Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Traditions Of Islam, Christianity, And Judaism

The traditions of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism do have their teachings and ideas about justice and charity that are very similar but also distinctive in some ways. Each of these religious traditions feature the same One God, who is said to have created the entire Universe, and everything in it, and is omniscient and omnipotent, and has chosen to intervene in life’s history on Earth as well as humanity’s history. In the traditions of Judaism, God chose the offspring of the original Patriarch, Abraham, who would provide this Earth with God’s Chosen, Blessed People, the Jews or Hebrews, who would be given special status and enjoy a special covenant with God. This covenant included the Promised Land and the Torah, which is the holy book of Judaism. All the laws, instructions, and guidelines for God’s vision for His Chosen People is contained in the Torah. Justice is primarily originated and served by God in Heaven. He is the final arbiter and fina l judge on humans. As the Judaic tradition reveals, at times, God gets very angry with the Chosen People, the Jews, and these Jews are severely punished and horrifically brutalized as evident in the Torah version of the Great Flood as well as the wanderings in the Sinai Desert for forty years due to lack of faith. Justice is served by God in a punishing, cruel way at times in order to teach the Jews harsh lessons about disobedience and unfaithfulness. On the other hand, when the Jews display strong faith and love forShow MoreRelatedEssay about Issues and Traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam1580 Words   |  7 PagesRunning head: ISSUES AND TRADITIONS OF JUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY, AND Issues and Traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam World Religious Traditions II REL/134 Issues and Traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Religion takes on many different forms and there are several definitions in as many languages used to describe the practices. For the purposes of this paper, the following basic definition will be used. Religion is the belief in and reverence for a supernatural powerRead MoreThe Connection between the Monotheistic Traditions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam with Respect to Divine Revelations within the Traditions2821 Words   |  12 Pagessurprised to find a great variety of people with varying beliefs and cultural traditions according to the culture’s history and geographic location. But what might strike one as odd is a great similarity across most of those people as well: a belief in God. And not just any God, but a single God who has divine knowledge and power over humanity. Yet with these commonalities, the three traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam each have a unique take on what they feel is the correct belief about GodRead MoreJudaism, Christianity , And Islam992 Words   |  4 PagesJudaism, Christianity and Islam are three of the most recognized monotheistic religions worldwide. 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